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Impact Area Impact Expected by Supporters View by Supporters on the Perceived Desirability of this outcome Impact Expected by Opponents View by Opponents on the Perceived Desirability of this outcome Nature of Disagreement
Housing Affordability Rents will be more affordable for tenants Positive, promotes access to decent housing Limited impact on overall affordability Negative, distorts the housing market 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Housing Supply Little or no impact on housing supply Not a major concern, focus on affordability Reduced incentives for new housing construction Negative, exacerbates housing shortages 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Property Values Stabilization or slight decrease Positive, promotes access to homeownership Significant decrease in property values Negative, harms property owners and investors 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Tenant Mobility Decreased mobility for tenants Acceptable trade-off for affordability Decreased mobility for tenants Negative, reduces labor mobility and economic efficiency 2) Agree on impact, disagree on desirability
Quality of Housing Potential decrease in maintenance and renovations Negative, but offset by affordability benefits Significant decrease in maintenance and renovations Negative, leads to housing deterioration 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Rental Housing Investment Limited impact on investment in rental housing Not a major concern, focus on affordability Significant decrease in investment in rental housing Negative, reduces housing supply in the long run 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Economic Efficiency Some distortions but overall positive impact Positive, promotes economic stability and equity Significant decrease in economic efficiency Negative, distorts market signals and resource allocation 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact
Gentrification and Displacement Reduced displacement of low-income tenants Positive, promotes community stability Limited impact on gentrification and displacement Negative, restricts economic development and investment 1) Disagree on extent of expected impact